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Corporate Communications
Buzz Kill – Entrepreneurs Cannot Afford To Muddle Their Message With Empty Catchphrases
3 CommentsIn his book, The Map of Innovation, DoubleClick Co-founder Kevin O’Connor emphasizes the importance of describing your adVenture in clear and concise terms. When discussing his book, Mr. O’Connor often gives the audience a quiz similar to that shown below....
Spilling The Beans – When Is It Safe To Talk About Your Entrepreneurial Ideas?
11 CommentsWho is this character? Hint: It is not a mouse. The fact that you likely cannot name this creature confirms the reality that ideas are cheap. All too often, inexperienced entrepreneurs struggle with sharing their ideas with potential investors, Donors...
Kiss of Death – Contract Provisions Entrepreneurs Should Avoid at All Costs
18 CommentsAgreements with Big Dumb Companies (BDCs) are like DC Comic’s evil villainess, Poison Ivy. Both are seductive and alluring and both are potentially fatal. As a startup, your most meaningful agreements will likely be struck with BDCs. You will no...
Thrill The Messenger – How An Entrepreneur Can Put Words In Media Messengers’ Mouths
9 CommentsAfter patiently listening to a messenger deliver the Persian King Xerxes’s request for Sparta’s capitulation, the Spartan King Leonidas unceremoniously kicked the messenger down a well. Anger at receiving bad news is a natural human reaction. Sophocles, Shakespeare and the...
Excludesivity – Avoid Becoming Excluded From Future Revenue Opportunities
4 CommentsMarketers have long known that people are drawn to exclusivity. Some people pay small fortunes to attend exclusive, private colleges while others wait in line for hours for the opportunity to buy exorbitantly priced drinks in an exclusive nightclub. As...